#1 asa fan and kinnie

LOVE!! please talk to me about these thingsTELEPHONES!!, csm, madcom, fnaf, slime rancher, wobbledogs, splatoon, guitar, piano, musicals, music, vinyls, rodents, indie animation, webtoons, old tv shows


she they minor
☎️ unlabelled demigirl
🚎 mar. 12 | pisces
♡ 13/2/23 ♡


(rock/metal in general),
lemon demon, ricky jamaraz, ghost, good kid, cavetown, jack stauber, gouge away, x-ray spex

BYF I am an extremely socially awkward, panicky, chronically online femcel (/j) and I'm terrified of those who show no emotion in their typing (it's dumb but I'm dead serious) and will think about it for days .. I ghost people a lot as well and have trouble just making friends out of the blue so be patient with me okay I'm just a little guyDNI general dni, uhh that's about it for now

HAZE!! <3 my #1 forever the loml my partner my entire heart and world I love you so much haze let's get married RN!! if I said any more I wouldn't be able to stop talking so unfortunately I'm gonna move on </3

VALE!! DOG ur so squishable,, I love you dog /p ur so cool ILY MAN.

UNTITLED!! my #1 opp. tai you're gonna get it just you wait (just kidding you're so cool untitled ilysm you're so funny and nice and an AMAZING FRIEND)